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Effective Search Engine Marketing

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Effective Search Engine Marketing

With the new computer generation most retailers send their perspective customers to their home web page. In the belief using offline marketing techniques and cross-selling other products rather than directing the customer to the product’s their searching for.

It’s not always the best solution. If possible send the visitor directly to the product page their looking for. Your site needs to be exciting and informative enough to catch their attention so they’ll look no further than your web site.

Never try to sell customers other products or give them additional information unless they request it. Let the customer choose to view all products and or services your company has to offer.

This simple change has delivered up to a 400% improvement in conversions in many of our clients search marketing campaigns. On average you have 3 clicks to capture a sale inquiry. Remember it takes your visitors one to reach your website.

By reducing the number of clicks you stand a much better chance of making a sale, especially if your site has a shopping cart. You’ll avoid confusing customers and especially new visitors to the internet. Remember one click catch their attention or they go back to the search engine to visit your competitors.

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